The Difference: Iced Macchiato vs. Iced Latte

Iced Coffee Drinks

A coffee drink that you serve iced is ice coffee. Have you ever been torn between iced macchiato vs. iced latte? You can either brew your iced coffee regularly and serve over ice, mix it with cold milk, or brew it cold. Because they dissolve more quickly, you can add sweeteners and flavorings to hot brewing before allowing it to cool.

What is an Iced Macchiato?

What is macchiato? Pouring cold milk over ice and then topping it with two espresso shots produces a stunning iced macchiato because of how the layers look. To make a hot macchiato, a beverage made with espresso and known for its robust flavor, you begin by adding a layer of steamed milk, then adding two shots of espresso, and last, we top it off with milk foam. 

What does a macchiato taste like? The macchiato has a significantly more robust flavor than other types of coffee drinks due to the typically little amount of milk used in its preparation. A typical portion weighs just 1.25 ounces (35.44 grams), making it significantly less volumetrically substantial than other beverages.

Iced Macchiato

What is an Iced Latte?

You can make an iced latte by simply adding milk to espresso and mixing it in a glass with ice. Espresso, milk, and a sweetener are the three components of an iced latte. You can frequently froth the milk to imitate the steamed milk seen in a traditional latte. 

In comparison to iced coffee, what are the key differences? Coffee that you use to make it and milk, if desired, are the two components of an iced latte. Because you use espresso to make an iced latte, the flavor is more robust and earthy than a regular latte. 

You can use any milk you like, from whole cow’s milk to skim, almond, soy, or coconut milk; the options are endless. Or any other milk you can think of in between, as long as you enjoy drinking it!

Iced Latte

What’s in a Macchiato?

What is a macchiato? The macchiato, particularly the espresso macchiato, was initially developed as a beverage you can use to consume in the afternoon. Cappuccino, the other principal beverage option made with espresso, was solely for use in the morning. 

Coffee connoisseurs now have an option that is a satisfying compromise between an espresso and a cappuccino in the form of the macchiato. Although it may not carry as much of a punch as a shot of espresso, this cappuccino is considerably more potent than the typical variety. 

Italian is the language of origin for the name macchiato, and most of the terminology around espresso drinks. This provides a beginning point in that it approximately translates to “marked” or “stained.” 

The espresso macchiato and the latte macchiato, the two primary varieties of the macchiato, entail “staining” one component of the milk and espresso in combination with the other.

What is in a Latte?

Do latte have espresso? The word “latte” comes from the Italian “cafe latte,” which means “milk coffee.” Typically, you use 6 to 8 ounces (170.09 to 226.8 grams) of steamed milk and one shot of espresso to make this beverage. 

Though it has less foam than a cappuccino, it can still incorporate artistic foam designs. Compared to other coffee beverages, lattes contain more caffeine. For you to make an iced latte now that you understand how much caffeine to put in it, what kind of milk to use, and how to froth milk. 

Here are the different ratios for an iced latte (keep in mind that you’ll need more ice to fill a larger glass):

  • A 12-ounce (340.2-gram) iced latte (small or large size from a coffee establishment) made with 8 ounces (226.8 grams) of milk, one shot of espresso, and one ounce of liquid sweetness
  • A 16-ounce (453.6-gram) iced latte (a large or medium-sized beverage from a coffee shop) made with two shots of espresso, 2 ounces (56.7 grams) of liquid sweetener, and 8 ounces of milk.
  • A 20-ounce (567 grams) iced latte (venti or a big drink from a coffee shop) contains 8 ounces of milk, 4 ounces (113.4 grams) of liquid sweetener, and 3 espresso shots.

You require espresso as a first step, which can be either hot or cold. Over the ice cubes in your glass, you immediately brew your espresso. Since there is only around 1 ounce (28.3 grams) of espresso in each shot you prepare, the ice helps to cool the espresso down, and the cubes don’t appear to melt too much.

Do Lattes and Macchiato Contain Espresso?

Make your iced coffee with high-quality espresso beans rather than instant coffee if you want it to taste fantastic. Your choice of coffee will significantly alter the flavors of your beverage, so whenever you can, try to get higher-quality espresso beans. If you have an espresso maker, making espresso at home is simple. 

Although Moka pots are less expensive than espresso machines, you can buy one if you don’t already have one. You put them on the burner to extract coffee resembling espresso from coffee grounds. Moka pots may produce excellent-tasting coffee and are reasonably priced. 

Since you can only remove espresso at pressures of 9 bars or above, keep in mind that this coffee won’t be an espresso. However, coffee from a Moka pot closely mimics espresso. You can use Moka pot coffee in your iced beverage without any problems because even coffee connoisseurs find it difficult to identify the difference between them. 

Depending on your preferences, you can choose any coffee bean. Darker roasted beans produce a fuller-tasting espresso, but lightly roasted beans can be a better option if you want a milder flavor. Beans that you have roasted to a medium level have a great taste. 

They’re perfect for adding sugar, sweeteners, or cinnamon to your coffee because the flavors of the beans will still come through. Dark-roasted beans will provide a similar result, although any additives may not be detectable due to the flavor of the coffee. 

Given that you can make a macchiato with two shots of espresso, dark coffee beans may be appropriate, although this may bring out the bitter flavors in the beans.

Iced Macchiato vs. Iced Latte – The Differences

The key distinction between an iced macchiato and an iced latte is how you make them. You might be unable to distinguish between an iced latte and an iced macchiato, or an iced latte macchiato, at first glance. Each beverage’s preparation is different, though. You pour whole milk into a glass, add lots of ice, and top off with two espresso shots to create an iced macchiato. 

You’ll notice a visually appealing marble appearance as the coffee and milk meld as the espresso falls into the beverage. An iced latte has similar ingredients, but they combine differently. 

To finish this coffee drink, add one espresso shot to the glass, then some milk, and finally some ice cubes. The beverage is one color and looks like milky coffee, unlike a macchiato. The following are the primary differences between these two varieties of coffee drinks:

  • Add an extra espresso to an iced macchiato to make a stronger coffee beverage.
  • Both beverages have distinct layers of ingredients that give them different appeals.
  • The chilled milk used in each beverage varies. In contrast to iced macchiato, which uses whole, full-fat milk, iced lattes are typically lower-fat milk.

However, you might be able to decide that you use the milk of your choice for each drink if you’re buying an iced espresso-based beverage from a coffee shop. For instance, vegetarians might have an iced latte with oat milk. 

Dieters might like an iced macchiato with nonfat milk. Since the two drinks don’t significantly differ from one another, as you can see below, it is obvious why some people would confuse them. You may choose which drink you might prefer the next time you’re at a coffee shop now that you understand the differences between an iced macchiato and an iced latte.

The Similarities Between the Two Beverages

However, the drinks are still rather comparable to one another. You will use espresso rather than normal coffee in both of these. Milk and espresso make up the fundamental foundation of both beverages, which pair nicely with various flavors. The ease with which you can prepare them at home contributes to their widespread appeal as refreshing summer beverages. 

Both are distinct from the hot versions because of a change in a significant aspect. You do not steam the milk you use in lattes before you use it. In general, there is a greater quantity of milk in the macchiato. That does not alter their fundamental preference, however. Other than the difference in intensity, the flavors of the two beverages are likely comparable. 

The only variation between them will be the level of strength if they are from the same coffee and syrups (typically the case).

The Differences Between a Hot and a Cold Latte

Comparing the two is all and dandy, but what exactly is it that differentiates an iced latte from a regular one? Is it simply a milder version of what the hot version offers? Not exactly. We go into a great deal more detail on the concept here. 

Still, in a nutshell, you make a traditional latte by combining excellent espresso coffee with steamed milk, approximately equal to 1:2. It is quite easy to perform. It does not require much labor or difficult apparatus to produce (even for steamed milk). 

The iced version, which is quite similar to iced coffee but far stronger, is straightforward and differs very little from the hot version. You often pour out the milk at room temperature rather than scalding first. 

As a method of enhancing the flavor of iced lattes and making them more appealing to customers, several businesses are beginning to serve beverages topped with a dollop of cold cream rather than the traditional froth. It’s the perfect beverage for a quick pick-me-up on a hot summer day.

Is There a Difference Between Cold and Hot Macchiato?

Therefore, even someone who never drinks coffee has probably at least heard of a latte, whereas the other choice is likely to leave them bewildered. What does it mean to have a macchiato exactly? Most coffee shops refer to a beverage that combines an espresso shot and a cappuccino using the term macchiato to describe the beverage. 

Additionally, it is predominately coffee; the word macchiato translates to “stained,” In this case, you are “staining” the coffee with some milk. In most cases, a traditional hot macchiato has virtually little in common with its chilled counterpart, the iced macchiato. 

The iced version of the macchiato, popularized by large coffee businesses, typically includes a little more cold milk or cream than the hot version. You serve it with whipped cream and a variety of flavored syrups, which elevates its overall quality, and is another selling point. It is, however, the order you always get when you go to the coffee shop, so you can be partial to it.

Iced Latte and Macchiato on tray

And Then There’s the Latte Macchiato!

Hang on, what exactly is a latte macchiato, then, seeing as how lattes and macchiatos are two very different beverages?! Good question! A latte macchiato is a glass of steaming milk that has a stain of espresso on top of it. It is essentially an inverted version of an espresso macchiato, emphasizing the milk rather than the actual coffee. 

You typically serve the milk at the bottom, followed by a layer of strong espresso, and finally, you place a layer of foam on top of the drink. Because it is largely milk with a shot of espresso put in, a latte macchiato has a lower concentration of caffeine than a conventional latte. However, because it is still from whole milk, it will have a slightly more robust flavor. 

The froth is typically not present in the iced version either. The latte macchiato would be your best bet if you were looking for a beverage that could give you the best of both worlds. You get the creamy texture of a macchiato and the frothy milk and steam of a latte.

How to Make Each Drink at Home

Iced Latte Method

An iced latte calls for more milk than an iced macchiato and typically has less fat than the latter. Macchiatos usually have a more robust flavor than iced lattes since you make macchiatos with two shots of espresso, while with iced lattes, you only utilize one. 

Others who want their coffee dark and robust may find that a macchiato better suits their tastes, while those who like their coffee light and milky may find that this is more to their liking. You will need the following items to prepare an iced latte:

  • A 3/4 cup of cold 2% milk (180 ml)
  • A single espresso shot
  • Ice cubes

For that matter, making an iced latte or a macchiato does not require a particularly large number of ingredients. The steps that you need to follow are as follows:

  • Pick a glass that appeals to you, and then pour in the shot of espresso.
  • Slowly pour in the milk so that there are no leaks.
  • Put the finishing touches on the beverage by adding some ice cubes to the top of it. You anticipate that the addition of ice will effectively cool the coffee, producing a beverage that is both satisfying and revitalizing.

Isn’t it clear-cut? When you add the shot of espresso before the milk, the drink appears to combine, whereas a macchiato has a visually remarkable effect. Despite this, if you don’t care about how it looks, an iced latte has the same delicious flavor as an iced macchiato; the only difference is its somewhat different preparation.

Iced Macchiato Method

You can make both of these libations with things most likely already stocked in your kitchen. Two espresso shots are often included in an iced macchiato, while you typically use whole milk as the milk component. This imparts a more complex flavor and distinctive flavor. Because you use less milk to prepare a macchiato, the finished product is stronger. To prepare an iced macchiato, you will require the following ingredients:

  • 2 individual servings of espresso (we recommend using an espresso machine)
  • Ice cubes
  • 1/4 of a cup of undiluted whole milk

After you’ve acquired all the necessary components, you can prepare an iced macchiato just for you! To accomplish this, please proceed as follows:

  • Get a big glass and pour the full milk into it.
  • Include some ice cubes in the glass that you’re using. You’ll need a sufficient number of ice cubes to maintain the milk’s temperature, but you shouldn’t use so many that the glass becomes too full.
  • Put the finishing touches on the beverage by pouring the espresso shots on top of it.

If you do everything correctly, you will create a stunning marble impression as the espresso, which is darker, descends into the milk, which is lighter.

Which Drink is Weaker?

Since lattes only contain one shot of espresso, their flavor is not nearly as robust as that of macchiatos. In addition, they use a greater quantity of milk, which mutes the strong flavors that originate from the coffee. Macchiatos differ from lattes by using two espresso shots and a smaller amount of milk. 

Additionally, whole milk, which has substantially more fat than 2%, is typically used in their preparation. The milk’s richness and creaminess and the coffee’s full intensity result in a well-balanced beverage packed with flavor. Shots of espresso are an essential component of iced coffee, but they also have the potential to alter the flavor of the beverage significantly. 

It is possible that a single shot of espresso, which you require to make a latte, has a sweet flavor; nevertheless, these qualities become more pronounced for a macchiato, which requires two shots. 

At home, you might be able to substitute one kind of milk for another, but if you want to get the most out of each beverage, it is best to use the type of milk designed specifically for that beverage. This can also help you pick up on obvious flavor differences between each drink, making it easier for you to differentiate between them.

The Final Say

An iced latte vs. iced macchiato? Probably, you have gained an understanding of the distinctions between an iced macchiato and an iced latte. Both of these beverages contain ingredients that are very similar to one another, but their preparation is different. The milk is first put in the glass to make an iced macchiato, then add two espresso shots on top. 

As the espresso mixes with the milk, this produces a visually appealing marble effect that runs down the length of the glass. The preparation of iced lattes begins with a single shot of espresso and adding the milk at the very end. The beverage appears to have been pre-mixed and has the appearance of a milky coffee. 

Those who favor coffee beverages with a neutral flavor may want to consider ordering an iced latte. Because you use more espresso, iced macchiatos are a good choice for those who prefer coffee with a more robust flavor. 

If you are unsure which option will better suit your preferences, you should sample both before deciding. But remember that the coffee beans and milk you use will also make a difference in the final product.