Have you ever wondered how many ounces is a shot of espresso? Answering how many shots are in an espresso should be easy, but it can be a bit tricky.
There are various espresso shots out there, but we’ll break down everything about them. Going over how espressos are made and how much caffeine is in each ounce of espresso.
What is an Espresso Shot?
To put it simply, an espresso shot is a small concentrated shot of coffee. This is then made with specialty espresso machines that brew small amounts of coffee from fine coffee grounds.
An espresso machine has a shorter brewing time but puts incredible pressure on the coffee grounds. This pressure makes a small super concentrated cup of coffee that’s both strong and flavorful.

How Many Ounces are in a Shot of Espresso?
A shot of espresso is measured out at exactly 1fl oz (29.5ml), while a double shot is 2fl oz (59ml). That would make 793.8oz (28g) for a single shot and 2.24oz (56g) for a double shot.
You’ll generally need 0.24oz (7g) of coffee grounds for a single shot and 14g (0.49oz) for a double.
How Much Caffeine is in One Shot of Espresso?
According to the US Department of Agriculture, the average amount of caffeine in one shot of espresso is 0.002oz (63 mg). A standard cup of coffee has between 0.0004 to 0.0005oz (12 to 15mgs) of caffeine per ounce.
That means that one ounce of espresso has quadrupled the amount of caffeine as an ounce of standard coffee.
Starbucks lists that their single shot of espresso has 0.0026oz (75mg) of caffeine.
How Much Caffeine is in a Double Shot of Espresso?
If the data collected by the US Department of Agriculture is correct, a double shot of espresso would be 0.0044oz (126 mg). A double shot of espresso from Starbucks would also contain 0.005oz (150mgs) of caffeine.

What is a Long Shot at Starbucks?
Chances are that you’ve heard someone order a long shot at Starbucks before, but you’re not actually sure what it is. A long shot is basically an espresso that the barista pulls later than a normal shot of espresso.
Baristas pour traditional espresso shots at 20 seconds, while long shots get poured at around 45 seconds—this longer wait before pouring results in an espresso double the size of a single shot.
That is because there is double the amount of water in a single shot. Making a long shot weaker than a single espresso shot.
The Taste of a Long Shot at Starbucks
The taste of a long shot is somewhere in between a traditional drip brewed coffee and espresso. It doesn’t have the thickness and texture of a conventional espresso but tastes more like espresso than a coffee.
This is a good middle-of-the-road coffee option for someone that wants something a little stronger than drip coffee. Read our article and find out Steamy Facts on Ristretto vs. Long Shot.
What is an Upside Down Espresso Shot?
An upside-down espresso shot is another one of the popular Starbuck shots. The name upside down espresso shot is exactly what the name of the shot entails.
The steps to make the upside-down shot is the opposite of the steps of a normal shot.
For example, the steps of a caramel macchiato start with vanilla syrup and end with being topped with caramel. Some people order an upside-down caramel macchiato, where you start with caramel and end with vanilla syrup.
What’s the Taste of an Upside Down Espresso Shot?
There really is no difference in taste between traditional espresso shots and upside-down espresso shots. It’s more of a matter of the preference of the person ordering the drink.
The History of Espresso
While we’re talking about how many ounces is a shot of espresso, we may as well go into the espresso’s history. The creation of the espresso was a complete accident. An accident that became one of the most popular coffee beverages in the world.
Luigi Bezzera
In 1903, an Italian factory owner named Luigi Bezzera went on a mission to make coffee faster. He loved coffee, but this was before drip machines, so it took even longer to make coffee.
Bezzera was a busy man, so he would start tinkering with his coffee machine to speed up the process. He found out that the key to making a faster cup of coffee was steam pressure.
But not only did this make coffee fast but made it thicker and stronger than regular coffee. More concentrated with an excellent taste and more than double the caffeine to give Bezzera energy to work all day.
Where Did the Name Espresso Come From?
Luigi would call his new coffee-making machine “Macchina Per Caffè Espresso,” or a fast coffee machine. In Italian, the word espresso translates to English as fast.
So, that means espresso is the shorter term for “fast coffee.”
Desidero Pavoni Buys Half the Rights to the Espresso Machine
Even though Luigi Bezzera created the first espresso machine, he was not responsible for its success. Another businessman named Desidero Pavoni would buy half the rights to Bezzera’s machine.
After buying half the rights to the machine, Pavoni would also purchase the patent on the espresso maker. He would work together with Bezzera for a short time before taking control of the business.
The Marketing Genius of Desidero Pavoni
The reason for the success of the espresso machine throughout the world is thanks to the marketing of Pavoni. He claimed his device could make 1,000 cups of coffee in an hour.
This claim of efficiency led many to buy this new espresso drink.
Modern Day Espresso
Even though Pavoni is credited for marketing the espresso machine worldwide, his machine was flawed. An Italian inventor named Achille Gaggia would improve upon the espresso machine and make it more efficient.
Gaggia created a spring piston machine that produced a pressure between 8-10 atmospheres. More than quadruple the pressure of the original machine.
Not only was his espresso machine more powerful, but it also would pour espresso without being burnt or bitter tasting.
This innovation would lead to further development of espresso makers and what we know as modern-day espressos.
How Long Does it Take to Pull a Shot?
To pull the perfect espresso shot, you will need to pull it for 30 seconds. Maybe at 25 seconds, but no more than 30 seconds, or you’ll have something between a normal shot and a long shot.
Once you turn on the espresso maker, the espresso will begin dropping out of the portafilter after 5 to 7 seconds. Be sure to keep track of the time and not go over, or you’ll have a watered-down espresso shot.

The Final Say
To reanswer the topic of the article, a shot of espresso weighs in at one fluid ounce. It’s pretty obvious, but it’s good to know the measurements of the coffee you’re drinking.
Not only the measurements but also the history of the espresso. Seeing the development from single shots to long espresso shots and upside-down espresso shots that we have now.