Direct Reviews – 6 Coffee Makers With Water Lines

What is a Plumbed Coffee Machine?

A plumbed coffee maker connects directly to the water mains of your property, the same way you would a plumbed refrigerator. There are many coffee makers with water lines on the market. How the work is water reserve fills automatically once the tank is empty or running low.

The most common coffee machines will have a tank or reservoir attached to the device that you have to refill with water manually,  which can be cumbersome.

Espresso coffee and machine

Our Top Rated Pick

The nice smell of coffee and the first sip in the morning is such a glorious moment for any coffee lover. Therefore having a plumbed coffee machine is ideal, especially in high-traffic areas such as coffee shops or offices. So if you are looking for a device, the one we have rated as our top pick is the Keurig K2500 Plumbed Single Serve Commercial Coffee Maker and Tea Brewer .

We love Keurig products, and this machine produces a strong brew setting, has a drainable internal tank, a luxurious compact design, quiet brew technology, and commercial grade, and meets the NSF-4 and ANSI cleaning and hygiene standards. The removable drip tray makes it easy to adjust for taller cups. 

The K2500 is durable, can operate for long periods, and you can use it to make both coffees and teas. This makes the K2500 perfect for small and medium businesses, and it is compact enough to fit home use. 

The plumbing unit has a built-in nozzle making the installation easy. The device comes with a direct water line filter kit with everything you need to hook your brewer directly to the water source. 

The K2500 coffee machine has a high-resolution color touchscreen with customizable features like the high altitude setting, 5 cup sizes, programmable sleep mode, and multilingual brewing instructions.

Like other machines, the K2500 tank fills up automatically. This eliminates the need to refill the tank constantly, thus saving time. 

The machine comes with a PureWater filters kit, which allows your brewer to keep drawing clean and filtered water for endless, uninterrupted brewing cycles, saving time in the process.

Plumbing Kit vs. Plumbed Coffee Maker

Coffee makers with water lines come in two ways: the built-in coffee makers with water lines, manufactured ready to connect, and those that require a plumbing kit to connect to a water line.

A plumbing kit is an additional part that you purchase to connect your coffee machine to a waterline. They usually come with easy step-by-step instructions; you can easily install them yourself without requiring a plumber.

However, you may sometimes have to make holes in your machine to complete installation.

Connecting a plumbing kit to your coffee maker will brew the same quality of coffee; the main advantage would be the water tank will be filled automatically like the plumbed coffee machine, which will result in making coffee faster. 

Pros and Cons of Plumbed Coffee Makers

Like any product, there are advantages and disadvantages to owning a plumbed-in coffee machine. Here are the pros and cons 


  • It saves time as there is no need to refill the tank, making coffee constantly faster. 
  • You can have water directly from your water source
  • The water is filtered, thus giving you excellent tasting coffee with no impurities. 
  • The plumbed coffee makers will produce hot water, which you can use to make other drinks such as tea.


  • Plumbed coffee makers cost more than the regular coffee machines 
  • It will be placed in a fixed position and cannot move around as it is attached to a water line. 
  • They do not plug and play and require some installation instructions. This may be easy, but others may need to hire a plumber. 

Carafe vs. Single–Serve

Carafe coffee makers, which became popular in the 1970s, are coffee makers with a jug known as a carafe that will make multiple cups of coffee simultaneously. 

Making coffee using a carafe is easy. Boil water and pour it into the carafe. Then add some coffee beans according to desired taste and wait for the coffee to brew. The brewing time will differ between different machines.

When the brewing is complete, pour your cup and enjoy your coffee.

Carafes are small and do not take up too much space, making them easy to move around and store. 

However, the coffee made in a carafe will get cold if not instantly consumed and will most likely have to be reheated. Carafes are also unsuitable for areas where you have a lot of people, such as offices, for hygiene reasons. 

They are also time-consuming as you have to wait for the coffee to brew, constantly change the filters, and clean the carafe. 

Single-serve coffee makers will dispense one cup of coffee at a time. This means you only make a single hot cup each time. The coffee is in a K-cup, which you purchase separately from the machine. 

A K-cup is a single pod that automatically dispenses to mix with water stored in a reservoir to make a cup of coffee. The K- cups come in various flavors, making them a popular choice for both office and home as they fit different palettes. 

The single serves are easy to clean and are much more hygienic than the carafe.

They are, however, bulky and can be costly. The ultimate choice will essentially depend on your needs. 

The main difference between the carafe and the single-cup serve is that in the carafe, you make multiple cups of coffee simultaneously. However, both machines will make great coffee; a choice between a carafe and a single-serve cup is ultimately a personal preference. 


How Do I Descale a Plumbed Coffee Maker?

Depending on the coffee machine, there are many ways to describe a plumbed coffee maker. Some coffee makers will sell cleaning solutions; follow the instructions to descale your machine.

In cases where you do not have the solution, you can use white vinegar, a great detergent that kills most bacteria. 

Pour an equal part of vinegar and water into the tank until it is full. Run the brewing cycle and allow it to stand for at least 30 minutes between cycles. 

Drain the solution and repeat until the solution is clear and there are no sediments remaining. Do not forget to clean the filter, which you can wash by hand with soap and water or throw in the dishwasher.

To prevent damage to your coffee machine, ensure that the filter is completely dry before replacing it after a wash. 

It would be best to clean the coffee machine at least once weekly to avoid scale build-up. Too much scale build-up can block your piping system and reduce your coffee’s quality.

Can I Use a Coffee Maker With a Water Line for Hot Water?

Yes, you can use a coffee maker with a water line for hot water. You can use the heated water to make other hot beverages such as tea, hot chocolate, or soup. 

Does Keurig Make Hot Chocolate Pods?

Yes, Keurig makes chocolate pods. 

Is a Coffee Maker With a Water Line My Best Option?

The choice of a coffee maker will depend on your needs and usage. Coffee makers with water lines are the best option when you make a lot of coffee, such as at the office or a small or medium coffee shop, to make large quantities of coffee daily. 

When you have a coffee maker with a waterline, you will never have to fill the water reservoir manually, making them time efficient.

They are single-serve, thus ensuring a hot cup of coffee each time. 

The tank holds high volumes of water to be used within a specific period to prevent it from going stale. They have to be fixed in one position and are bulky. 

The coffee maker with a water line is not the best option for home use as you only make a few cups daily, and the water in the tank will go stale. In addition, they are costly and cannot be moved around that easily. 

An Overview of the Best Coffee Makers With Water Lines

There are many options on the market, but we have narrowed this down to a few choices. Here is an overview of the best coffee makers with water lines. 

  1. Keurig K2500 Plumbed Single Serve Commercial Coffee Maker and Tea Brewer  (Best for home and commercial use)
  2. JAVAPod K-Cup Coffee Maker and Single Serve Brewer Coffee Machine  (Best for connecting to any water source)
  3. Keurig K-3500 Commercial Maker Capsule Coffee Machine  (Best for commercial use)
  4. BUNN My Cafe MCO Single Serve Cartridge Commercial Automatic Brewer  (Best for multiple cup sizes)
  5. Keurig B150, K150, B155, K155 All-in-one Direct Water Line Plumb and Filter Kit for Keurig Brewers  (Best filter kit for Keurig coffee makers)
  6. Inline Water Filter Kit Compatible With Nespresso Coffee Brewers  (Best filter kit for Nespresso coffee brewers)
DRINKPOD JAVAPod K-Cup Coffee Maker and Single Serve Brewer Coffee Machine, Includes Pod Capsule with Integrated Mesh Strainer, Refillable or in-Line Water for Home Kitchen or Commercial Use (Black)
Keurig K2550 Plumbed Single Serve Commercial Coffee Maker and Tea Brewer with Direct Water Line Plumb and Filter Kit
Inline Water Filter Kit Compatible With Nespresso Coffee Brewers by PureWater Filters
Product name
DRINKPOD JAVAPod K-Cup Coffee Maker and Single Serve Brewer Coffee Machine, Includes Pod Capsule with Integrated Mesh Strainer, Refillable or in-Line Water for Home Kitchen or Commercial Use (Black)
Keurig K2550 Plumbed Single Serve Commercial Coffee Maker and Tea Brewer with Direct Water Line Plumb and Filter Kit
Inline Water Filter Kit Compatible With Nespresso Coffee Brewers by PureWater Filters
DRINKPOD JAVAPod K-Cup Coffee Maker and Single Serve Brewer Coffee Machine, Includes Pod Capsule with Integrated Mesh Strainer, Refillable or in-Line Water for Home Kitchen or Commercial Use (Black)
Product name
DRINKPOD JAVAPod K-Cup Coffee Maker and Single Serve Brewer Coffee Machine, Includes Pod Capsule with Integrated Mesh Strainer, Refillable or in-Line Water for Home Kitchen or Commercial Use (Black)
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Keurig K2550 Plumbed Single Serve Commercial Coffee Maker and Tea Brewer with Direct Water Line Plumb and Filter Kit
Product name
Keurig K2550 Plumbed Single Serve Commercial Coffee Maker and Tea Brewer with Direct Water Line Plumb and Filter Kit
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Inline Water Filter Kit Compatible With Nespresso Coffee Brewers by PureWater Filters
Product name
Inline Water Filter Kit Compatible With Nespresso Coffee Brewers by PureWater Filters
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Your Plumbed Coffee Machine Shopping Guide

When you are ready to buy a plumbed coffee maker, either for the office or small business, there are a few things to consider before making a purchase.

There are many machines and brands available on the market. Unfortunately, it’s improbable that you will find a coffee machine that does everything. This may be daunting but let’s break it down to a few things you need to consider. 

Most people will tell you there is no difference in the taste of coffee based on the machine used. The taste of the coffee will vary based on the machine due to many factors, such as the quality of water, flavor, the brand of coffee, and the device used. 

Home or Office Use 

This should probably be a strong factor when you are considering purchasing a coffee machine, as it boils down to how it is going to usage. The machine should be able to meet the demand of how many cups are required daily. You do not want to overwork the machine as it will break down faster. 

Different machines function differently, and you need to make sure you have capacity while keeping hygiene levels at the same time being efficient and effective. 

If the machine is for office use, the consideration would be hygiene, the ability to make multiple cups of coffee quickly and easily while getting a hot cup every time. This means you would consider coffee makers with inline water or those with bigger tanks and single-serve cups.

For home use, a single cup is great for people on the go, big or small families, or single people. While this may be the case, single-cup coffee makers with water lines are not ideal for the home. 

The reasons are that the water may become stale from standing for long, the cost of the machines, space requirements as they are usually bulky, and labor required to install the machine. 

Single Cup or Carafe 

The choice between a single cup and a carafe is more about preference and usage. Generally, carafes are old technology where you make multiple cups of coffee simultaneously, all you have to do is pour, and single cups are the newer technology. 

Each has its pros and cons. Single cups coffee makers use K-cups that are perfect for all occasions; you get a fresh hot cup every time. K-cups contain coffee that comes in various flavors that each person can enjoy. 

K-cups keep things hygienic and tidy, and you handle only one cup at a time and remove the clutter of ingredients required when using a carafe.

While the carafe and single-serve tanks hold enough water to make the same quantity of coffee, you will not get a fresh cup each time with a carafe, while with a single serve, the coffee is fresh with each cup served. 

With carafes, you will also have to wait a long time for the coffee to brew and constantly clean the carafe in between coffee cycles and also replace the filter. 

Carafes use coffee beans or powder; you have to know how to measure the coffee beans to your desired taste accurately. Coffee made in a carafe does not have a wide variety of flavors. 

K-cups or Ground Beans 

K-cups are popular as they come in various flavors and are quick and easy to use. You do not need additional ingredients or have to measure the coffee beans.

K-cup provides hygiene, especially where there are a lot of people drinking coffee. K-cups are not environmentally friendly, so they must be disposed of correctly. 

Ground beans, on the other hand, require storage space, and you have measured the right quantity for a great-tasting cup of coffee.

Ground coffee beans do not come in varying flavors like K-cups but will differ based on the place they were grown and harvested. 

Close up of a coffee machine

Reviewing the Best Coffee Makers With Water Lines

There is a wide variety of coffee makers with water lines.  The best coffee machine with water lines need not be the most expensive; carefully evaluate your needs, do market research on pricing and functionality, and you will find a machine best suited for your space.

To start you off, we have reviewed the six coffee makers with a line, and here is what we found.

1.Keurig K2500 Plumbed Single Serve Commercial Coffee Maker and Tea Brewer  (Best for Home and Commercial Use)

Amazon Choice Awards: This is an Amazon choice for single-serve brewers. 

Description: The K2500 is one of the products in Keurig with a water line range, and it comes with a pre-installed direct water line plumbing kit reservoir and filter kit. The coffee maker is everything you need, whether it is for your home or small or medium business. 

The K2500 uses the K-cups, is durable, and can function for long periods making coffee, or you can use the hot to make a variety of beverages such as tea, hot cocoa, and many more. 

Brand: Pure Water Filters.

Product Specifications: Programmable with a touch screen.

Capacity: 5 cups. 

Color: Black.

Material: Plastic.

Wattage: 1,450.

Product Dimensions:‎17 x 14 x 23 inches (43.18 x 35.56 x 58.42 centimeters).

Weight: 1 pound (0.45 kilograms).

Duration: Lifetime warranty for defective or malfunctioning filter kit parts. When you purchase, you also get free lifetime assistance with installation, troubleshooting tips, and answers to product-related questions.

External Testing Certificates: Polypropylene depth filtration is tested and certified by NSF International against ANSI/NSF Standard 42 for Taste and Odor Reduction and Chlorine Reduction Class I.


  • The filter is reusable; wash it with soap or throw it in a dishwasher.
  • Touchscreen technology to operate. 
  • Used K-cups dispense directly into an efficient bin.
  • It is easy to install and to hide the plumbing kit leaving the place aesthetically pleasing. 
  • Easy to install with step-by-step instructions and the manufacturer’s customer support. 


  • Has no cold brew setting. 
  • It makes distinct noise which can cause discomfort to those sensitive to sound.

2. JAVAPod K-Cup Coffee Maker and Single Serve Brewer Coffee Machine  (Best for Connecting to Any Water Source)

Description:  The JAVAPod K-cup built-in coffee maker with water line Includes a pod capsule with an integrated mesh strainer or inline water. Suitable for home or commercial use. 

It is versatile and comes ready to connect to any existing water line, any water filtration system, and any drink pod water cooler.

The coffee maker uses K-cups, and you get an option for refillable pod capsules. It has presets for various mug sizes based on your needs. 

Brand: Drinkpod.

Product Specifications: Programmable with mug-size presets. It’s usable on the stovetop. 

Capacity: 45 fluid ounces (1.33 liters).

Color: Black.

Material: Plastic and metal.

Wattage: 1,450.

Product Dimensions:‎ 14 x 7 x 13 inches (35.56 x 17.78 x and 30.48 centimeters).

Weight: 6 pounds (2.72 kilograms).

Duration: One year warranty with the option of extended warranty. 

External Testing Certificates: Unknown.


  • It can be preset to various cup sizes.
  • Used K-cups dispense directly into an efficient bin.
  • It comes ready to connect to any existing water line, any water filtration system, and any drink pod water cooler.


  • You will need to know more about installation as the water line connections are not pre-installed.

3. Keurig K-3500 Commercial Maker Capsule Coffee Machine  (Best for Commercial Use)

Amazon Choice Award: In coffee machines by Keurig.

Description: Includes pod capsule with an integrated mesh strainer or inline water. Suitable for home or commercial use. It is versatile and comes ready to connect to any existing water line, any water filtration system, and any drink pod water cooler.

The coffee maker uses K-cups, and you get an option for refillable pod capsules. It has presets for various mug sizes based on your needs. 

Brand: Keurig

Product Specifications: It has a one-touch function and is programmable with an intuitive touchscreen. The temperature is adjustable, and capsules can eject automatically. The K-3500 has dual water internal tanks for continuous back-to-back brewing.

Capacity: 12 fluid ounces (0.35 liters).

Color: Black.

Material: Plastic and metal.

Wattage: 1,400.

Product Dimensions:‎ 18 x 12 x 17.4 inches (45.72 x 30.48 x and 44.20 centimeters)

Weight: 37.2 pounds (16.87 kilograms).

Duration: Unknown. 

External Testing Certificates: Commercial UL and NSF certified.


  • Programmable with interactive touch screen. 
  • Brewing instructions come in various languages. 
  • Used K-cups dispense directly into a bin. 


  • For commercial uses only. 
  • The machine does not have a built-in time clock and, therefore, can not automatically switch on and off. 

4. BUNN My Cafe MCO Single Serve Cartridge Commercial Automatic Brewer  (Best for Multiple Cup Sizes)

Description: This Bunn coffee maker with a water line has a touchscreen interface and has customizable settings for dispensing coffee, tea, cocoa, and hot water dispense. 

This plumbed-in coffee machine accommodates a wide range of cups and has an automatic water refill function making it ideal for office use and small business. 

Brand: Bunn

Product Specifications: This unit features internal waste storage for 25-plus cartridges and automatic ejection of brewed cartridges.

Capacity: 4 to 16 fluid (0.12 to 0.47 liters). adjustment is on 0.25 increments.

Color: Black.

Material: Plastic.

Wattage: 1,450.

Product Dimensions:‎ ‎20.06 x 11.7 x 16.75 inches (50.95 x 29.72 x 42.55 Centre).

Weight: 30 pounds (13.61 kilograms).

Duration: Two-year warranty on parts and a one-year labor warranty.

External Testing Certificates: ETL and NSF certified.


  • The product has internal waste storage for 25+ cartridges.
  • Automatic water refill and ejection of brewed cartridges.
  • Customizable brew settings for beverages. 
  • It has three adjustable brew sizes per beverage and can accommodate a wide range of cups and mugs. 


  • For commercial uses only. 

5. Keurig B150, K150, B155, K155 All-in-one Direct Water Line Plumb and Filter Kit for Keurig Brewers  (Best  Filter Kit for Keurig Coffee Makers)

Amazon Choice Award:  For the K155 direct water line plumb kit. 

Description: This plumbing kit hooks your Keurig brewer into a water line. It is suitable for use on any Keurig B150, K150, B155, or K155 commercial brewer. 

Brand: ‎PureWater Filters.

Product Specifications: Direct water line plumbing kit for water reservoir tank of Keurig coffee maker.

Capacity: Not applicable.

Color: White.

Material: Polypropylene.

Wattage: Not applicable. 

Product Dimensions:‎ ‎‎21 x 13 x 8 inches (53.34 x 33.02 x 20.32 centimeters).

Weight: 8.05 pounds (3.65 kilograms).

Duration: 6 months. Free lifetime warranty for defective parts.

External Testing Certificates: ANSI and NSF.


  • Detailed instructions with graphics.
  • Free assistance to troubleshoot and help with installation.
  • Produces pure quality water.
  • It is usable on a wide range of Keurig machines.


  • Cleaning and descaling instructions are not available. 

6. Inline Water Filter Kit Compatible With Nespresso Coffee Brewers  (Best Filter Kit for Nespresso Coffee Brewers)

Description: This is a kit for a plumbed Nespresso machine that works seamlessly with your existing brewer reservoir to provide you with crisp, clean filtered water when you need it most; to make coffee.

It gives better water by removing chlorine, bad taste, odors, leads, and heavy metals. It helps decalcify and prevent scale build-up, too.

The kit is quick and easy to install with easy-to-follow instructions and graphics. Works in existing water reservoirs, making it suitable for most non-commercial Nespresso machines.

Brand: ‎PureWater Filters

Product Specifications: Direct water line plumbing kit for water reservoir tank of Nespresso coffee maker.

Capacity: Not applicable.

Color: White.

Material: Plastic. 

Wattage: Not applicable.

Product Dimensions:‎ 8 x 10 x 6 inches (20.32 x 25.40 x 15.24 centimeters).

Weight: 1 pound (0.45 kilograms).

Duration: 1,500 gallons (5,671 liters).

External Testing Certificates: NSF.


  • No need for a plumber, easy detailed instructions with graphics. 
  • Lifetime warranty on all our filter kit parts and assistance provided by the merchant and manufacturer.
  • It is suitable for use on a wide range of non-commercial Nespresso machines.


  • The valve has a manual on and off button. 
Making coffee in a black cup

Final Words

Choosing the right plumbed coffee maker is the first step to becoming a master brewer. You will have to research what is available on the market and compare prices and functionality.

The Keurig K2500 Plumbed Single Serve Commercial Coffee Maker and Tea Brewer  is our choice as it is suitable for commercial and home use.

A plumbed coffee maker, while efficient, can be costly, and they are not one size fits all.

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