Is Coffee Acidic?
Many coffee lovers are always thinking about how to make less acidic coffee. However, the most critical question is – how acidic is coffee?
First, note that scientists measure acidity with a pH scale. If the substance has a pH of less than 7, you can consider it acidic. Coffee’s pH is less than five, meaning it is acidic. Is coffee acidic? That’s settled! Keep reading to find out how to make coffee less acidic.

How to Make Coffee Less Acidic
Well, you probably dreaded chemistry classes; however, it is essential to understand this. First, you measure acidity using the pH scale, which measures the relative prevalence of positive hydrogen ions.
In this regard, a substance having more hydrogen ions becomes more acidic. Second, hydrogen loses or gains electrons when it interacts with other elements. When it loses electrons, it creates a positive ion which can result in multiple reactions, some of which are uncomfortable.
Therefore, making the coffee less acidic means changing the balance of hydrogen ions. Using alkalizing additives is one of the most effective approaches to achieving this. Some popular additives include items you can purchase over the counter, like Tums. Baking soda is perhaps the easiest option.
Here are other popular methods of reducing coffee acidity:
Cold Brewing
You can reduce coffee’s acidity by preparing your coffee in advance. While this approach needs patience, it is very effective. This method involves soaking ground coffee beans in cold water for at least 24 hours.
Cold water will not extract natural acid in coffee as swiftly as hot water. Coffee’s acidity results from the coffee beans’ oils. These oils need high temperatures to release the acids. However, that is impossible with cold brewing.
Therefore, the resulting cup of coffee has about 70% less acid compared to coffee you prepare using hot brewing. Note that this approach is not practical if you are in a hurry.
Cold water slows down the extraction process, meaning if you are impatient, your coffee will be tasteless. Therefore, prepare beforehand by soaking the coffee beans 24 hours ahead.
Experts warn that even though cold brewing reduces acidity in coffee, hot-brewed coffees offer superior antioxidant activity. Therefore, when you go for cold brewing to reduce your coffee’s acidity, you will miss out on the antioxidant properties of hot-brewed coffee.
Why are antioxidants important? Free radicals attack your body, damaging essential molecules such as DNA and proteins. Antioxidants are critical in disarming free radicals and protecting your body against aging and many other diseases resulting from oxidative stress.
Coffee contains powerful antioxidants such as polyphenols which prevent several conditions, including cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Additionally, it contains hydrocinnamic acids, which help neutralize free radicals that cause oxidative stress.
Therefore, you might want to consider the pros and cons of using this method. Remember, it’s all about personal preferences, right?
Use Additives Like Baking Soda/Salt
Baking soda has a high pH meaning it lowers the acidity of any compound you add it to. Therefore, if you can’t handle acidic coffee, consider adding ¼ teaspoon of baking soda to your coffee pot. It dissolves perfectly without leaving any noticeable taste.
Fortunately, salt is readily available in most households. Moreover, this approach does not require you to follow any complicated steps. Note that you can make this method more effective by using the dark roasted blend.
Mix With Eggshells
This method applies some chemistry to ensure your cup of coffee is enjoyable. Eggshells are full of alkaline calcium, meaning they can neutralize the acidity in coffee. How do you add eggshells to coffee?
First, take about two eggshells and wash them thoroughly to remove any egg remains. After that, crush them and add them to the coffee grounds. Brew your coffee the way you usually do it.
The acid level in coffee reduces significantly, giving you a cleaner taste. The benefit of using this method is that the excess calcium that remains is still beneficial to your teeth and bones.
Control Water Temperatures
Suppose you want to hot-brew your coffee; it is best to control the water temperature. Higher temperatures make it easier for oils in coffee to discharge acids.
However, please avoid reaching extreme temperatures when using the hot-brewing method because it could lead to over-extraction.
Use Acid Reducers
Some products are available that you can buy and add to your coffee to reduce its acidity. These acid reducers for coffee work like eggshells and baking soda – by triggering a chemical reaction. However, these products are more effective because they reduce the acid level in coffee by up to 90%.
These products are an excellent choice if you take coffee frequently, especially while on the move. One excellent example to consider is coffee tamer.

Don’t Leave Your Coffee in Thermos
It will help if you avoid leaving your coffee in a thermos or any other place where it will remain hot for long. Keeping coffee hot for an extended period after brewing makes the oils release acids increasing the acid level in coffee.
Therefore, consider cooling the coffee before storing it. Later, when you want to drink, just warm it!
Use Hard Water When Making Coffee
Water makes a significant portion of your coffee, meaning the water you use determines the end product. In this sense, consider using hard water when making coffee if you want your coffee to be less acidic.
Hard water has many minerals, such as calcium. These minerals neutralize the acids in coffee or outshine them, making them unnoticeable. On the flip side, soft water does not contain minerals. Instead, it contains high sodium, which allows the acidity to shine!
Consider Using a Coffee Paper Filter
If you make your coffee using the drip or pour-over approaches, a paper filter can help to reduce acidity. The paper filter traps oils and fats that release acids into the coffee. Additionally, it filters out other sediments leaving you with a smooth, sweet-tasting cup of coffee.
Brew for a Shorter Time
Using coarse-grind coffee slows down the rate of extraction because the surface area is less. On the other hand, finer grind offers a large surface area accelerating the extraction rate. Therefore, grind finer to enjoy less acidic coffee.
Go for Processed Coffee
Some manufacturers process coffee to reduce its acidity. Additionally, some have low acid because of the region where they grew. Manufacturers treat processed coffee with solvents or steam to reduce their acid.
You can also get coffee that grows from specific parts of the world are also less acidic. Examples of less acidic coffees include coffee that grows in Hawaii, India, and Brazil.
Ensure you read descriptions before you purchase to check the region it grows and its acidity level. This will save you from the hassle of using additives or going through complex processes to reduce acidity.
Choose a Dark Roast
The roasting process is critical when selecting a low-acid coffee. All coffee beans go through a similar process when growing on farms. However, the roasting process determines its color and acidity.
For instance, light coffees with fruitier flavors taste wild but retain higher amounts of the coffee bean’s natural acidity. On the other hand, darker beans have less acidity making them friendlier to your stomach.
Additionally, dark roast coffee plays a role in the digestion process. Studies show that drinking dark roast coffee leads to low levels of gastric acid secretion. As a result, you end up more comfortable than someone who drinks a medium roast.
Add a Splash of Water
This method is very straightforward that it feels like cheating. You simply add a splash of water to reduce your coffee’s acidity. This calls the chemistry we learned at the beginning of this piece.
Water is a neutral substance, meaning mixing it with coffee reduces the relative prevalence of hydrogen ions. This is an effective way to raise coffee pH making your morning cup more alkaline.
Check Your Caffeine Intake
Coffee is not as acidic as the other beverages you take during the day. For example, fruit juices and sodas are considerably more acidic than coffee. However, why don’t you need antacids when you take a glass of juice?
Well, the acid in your morning coffee that is causing you problems is because of caffeine. Some studies have confirmed that caffeine raises the natural acid levels in your stomach, which results in heartburn.
Whereas many people are okay with a fair caffeine intake, experts recommend you take at most 400 milligrams of caffeine daily. However, personal sensitivity determines this matter. Therefore, if you feel any uncomfortable effects after your morning coffee, you might want to check your caffeine intake.
For instance, it would help to consider less-caffeinated coffee blends. Also, avoid caffeinated drinks such as sodas if you normally experience heartburn.
How Acidic is Coffee?
As mentioned earlier, you consider a substance if its pH is 0 to7. Therefore, to understand how acidic coffee is, you must ask yourself- what is the pH of coffee?
Most coffee varieties have an average pH of 4.85 to 5.10, meaning it is acidic. The brewing process releases the following primary acids that make its flavor profile unique: quinic, chlorogenic, citric, lactic, acetic, lactic, palmitic, linoleic, and phosphoric.
The brewing process affects coffee acidity. But, some coffees always remain more acidic than others regardless of the brewing process you use. Here are the other factors that determine how acidic coffee is:
Climate and Elevation
Coffee aficionados prefer coffee beans that grow at higher elevations. However, this preference has more to do with temperature than altitude.
Coffee that grows at cooler temperatures takes longer to ripen, which allows more complex flavors to develop. When you brew this coffee, the result is more acidic and aromatic than coffee that grows in warmer climates.
Well, coffee beans are seeds of a flavorful berry called cherry. Removing these seeds is not straightforward, so different people apply different strategies. The approach you use impacts the coffee’s final flavor.
For instance, you pulp and rinse wet/washed coffees in water. This removes several layers of fructose and sucrose content. Consequently, it enables the acidity to shine.
On the flip side, when you process coffee naturally, it leaves the fruit intact as the coffee dries. This increases the coffee’s overall sweetness, overpowering acidity.
Variety and Species
The coffee variety and species also play a significant role in its acidity. For instance, the Arabica species usually has fewer chlorogenic acids decreasing the coffee’s perceived acidity. Other varieties, like the SL-28 that grows in Kenya, tend to be more acidic.
This is partly because of genetics while farming conditions also play a part. Additionally, some varieties grow better in cooler temperatures, affecting the coffee’s flavor.
Studies have shown that different regions have unique soil characteristics and contain a specific amount of particular acids. For instance, Kenyan coffees contain more malic acid, while Colombian coffees contain more citric acid.

Final Words
The coffee acidity chart has a pH average of 4.85 to 5.10. This means that most coffees fall on the acidity side of the pH scale.
While this might not be a challenge for coffee enthusiasts, acidity can also affect certain health conditions in some individuals. For instance, it can cause IBS or acid reflux.
The acidity of brewed coffee is typically less if you follow the tips in this piece. For example, you can drink cold brew coffee or go for the darker roasts. With these tips, you can enjoy your coffee without worrying about any adverse effects. How do you reduce your coffee’s acidity?